
Some times, fields don’t have to be manually input into you database. If you can think of any way to automate the calculation of their value, you’ll gain even more time.

Calculations are a defined way to define a value based on other values in your app. You can define a formula using the graphical tool we provide in the platform. When the trigger parameters are met, the formula will be run for this field, pulling data from the required fields, and computing its value so that it will be updated on the server, directly in the database.

Calculation triggers

Calculation triggers

Calculation triggers

We provide 3 types of triggers:

  • Auto-calculated: Some times, fields don’t have to be manually input into you database. If you can think of any way to automate the calculation of their value, you’ll gain even more time. Setting a field as calculated makes it automated, you won’t have to edit it manually any more. When enabling of the auto-calculated mode, the field is marked as a “read only field” by default. This is not mandatory, we just found that most people wanted it this way. You are free to deactivate the “read only field” option if you want to manually input data as well. Keep in mind that the data will be overridden by the formula every time something the formula is based on changes in the database.
  • Calculated default value: Some times, values need to be calculated only once and not updated later automatically. This way you can manually change the value but for the initial value, it’s calculated. Setting the field as “read-only” lets you create a field that calculated at the record creation but won’t be updated later.
  • Manual calculation: This option allows you to calculate the value manually only. It will not be calculated on initialization nor on data changes. You will simply need to click a button on the title menu of the field to trigger the calculation.

Calculation Graphical Edition (empty)

Calculation Graphical Edition (empty)

Formula graphical edition

To edit the formula used to calculate the field, click on the blocks. Click on the dotted squares to add new blocks to the formula.

Select a function

Select a function

The formulas in Simitless are using a code-less calculation graphical interface.

To define your formula:

  1. Click the dotted square to select a function.
  2. In the function selection box that appear in a popup window, select a function. Functions are sorted by categories, you can filter/search through keywords on the same window. When necessary, static and app data are configured right there, in the same window.
  3. Select the correct formula and repeat the operation with new blocks until you have what you want.

A formula can be represented as a tree, with each smaller branch feeding its output data to the bigger branch.

Formulas are simple function trees

Formulas are simple function trees

In this platform, we are representing the tree as nested blocks. Each block representing a formula or a data source.

Formula as blocks

Formula as blocks

Re-calculate all data

Using the re-calculation button, you can trigger a general re-calculation of all the data of this type. Be careful, in addition to overriding all the values in the fields of this type, this may take time and slow down your application!

The button will become inoperable for a few seconds after use to avoid double triggering a full re-calculation too often. Once finished, a notification toast will appear on the screen confirming the completion.

Formula run history

Below the formula, a list of recent function runs and their details is shown. The platform keeps in memory the 5 last execution of each formula. These are sorted by execution time with the most recent on top. In this list, for each run of the formula, you will find the result, followed by the detail of each operation and its intermediary result. This view is very useful to debug the working of your formula.

Formula Library

There are 237 functions, so far!

App Data

Function Description Arguments
Table / Objects Get the values from a sub-object type. for example, get a series of value from the content of a table. field / internalfield / metafield / backlinks / object / objects
Nested Sub-Record / Links Get one of the value from one of the sub-object. for example, get a single value from a link or a panel. field / internalfield / metafield / backlinks / object / objects
Field Get the value from a data type in the same object.
Internal Field (DB ID) Get the internal DB ID from a data type in the same object.
Meta Field Get the value from a meta field in the object.
Back links Use the value from records linking to this record. field / internalfield / metafield / backlinks / object / objects
Parent Record Get the parent record object to select a value within it. field / internalfield / metafield / backlinks / object / objects


Function Description Arguments
Value Set a static value in your formula.
Now Returns the date and time at the instant of the function call on the server in ISO 8601 format, UTC (Z)
Today Returns the date at the instant of the function call on the server in ISO 8601 format, UTC (Z)
Random Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
Random Integer Return a random integer between the max and min numbers provided. Default max = 100 and min = 0. max, min
Function Description Arguments


Function Description Arguments
Either Checks if either value within the array is truthy.
All true Checks if all the values within the array are truthy.
Equal Value Checks if the values are equal Value, Value
Equal Object Checks if the objects or arrays are the same Object, Object
Has Value? If the value contains something, returns a boolean true, otherwise false. Value
Trigger Triggers any calculation based on trigger fields that are not taken into account in the calculation. First field is the calculation, all the following arguments are triggers and their change will trigger a re-calculation. calc, …
if…then…else If a condition is true (truthy), then returns the true value else returns the false value. (Caution, both expressions are evaluated, keep calculations levels simple and low) Condition, If True, If False


Function Description Arguments
Concatenate Concatenates all the text in one text.
Join Join all the texts from a series of elements using a separator (for example, it could be “, “). Separator, …
Text Length Returns the length of the text provided. Text
Sentiment Score (English) Provide a sentiment score based on AFINN-165 english language word list. Text
Sentiment Score (French) Provide a sentiment score based on AFINN word list translated in French. Text
Text preview Generates a preview of a text by cutting it and limiting the text to full sentences Text, Number
Is URL? Checks if the value is a url with http:// or https://. Value
Levenshtein distance Calculates Levenshtein distance between two text strings. Value, Value
Capitalize Converts first letter of the text to uppercase. Value
Decapitalize Converts first letter of the text to lowercase. Value
Chop text Chops the text in equal sections Value, chunkSize
Clean text Trim and replace multiple spaces with a single space. Value
Clean diacritics Replace diacritic characters with closest ASCII equivalents. (ąàáäâãåæăćčĉęèéëêĝĥìíïîĵłľńňòóöőôõðøśșşšŝťțţŭùúüűûñÿýçżźž are supported) Value
Chars from text string Chops the text string into an array of individual characters. Value
Swap case Returns a copy of the text in which all the case-based characters have had their case swapped. Value
Text includes? Tests if text contains a specific text (substring). Value, substring
Count chars in text Returns number of occurrences of substring in text. Value, substring
Escape HTML Converts HTML special characters to their entity equivalents. This function supports cent, yen, euro, pound, lt, gt, copy, reg, quote, amp, apos. Value
Unescape HTML Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents. This function supports cent, yen, euro, pound, lt, gt, copy, reg, quote, amp, apos, nbsp. Value
Insert in a text Insert a text within another text. Value, index, substring
Replace all occurences in Text Replaces all the occurence of a text in another text by a replacement text. string, find, replace, [ignorecase=false]
Is Blank text? Checks if the text is blank (empty text). Value
Split lines Split lines to an array Value
Reverse text Return reversed text: “hello” -> “olleh”. Value
Dedent Dedent unnecessary indentation or dedent by a pattern. Value, pattern
Splice text Adds/removes letters to/from the text. Value, index, howmany, substring
Text starts with Checks whether the text begins with a text. Value, starts, [position]
Text ends with Checks whether the text ends with a text. Value, ends, [position]
Predecessor Returns the predecessor text to a text. (B -> A) Value
Successor Returns the successor text to a text Value
Titleize Capitalize the first letter of each word. Value
Camelize Converts underscored or dasherized text to a camelized one. Begins with a lower case letter unless it starts with an underscore, dash or an upper case letter. Value
Classify text Converts text to camelized class name (same as in coding standard for object-oriented languages). First letter is always upper case Value
Underscored Converts a camelized or dasherized text into an underscored one Value
Dasherize Converts a underscored or camelized text into an dasherized one Value
Humanize Converts an underscored, camelized, or dasherized text into a humanized one. Also removes beginning and ending whitespace, and removes the postfix ‘_id’. Value
Trim Trims defined characters from begining and ending of the text. Defaults to whitespace characters. Value, [characters]
Left Trim Left trim. Similar to trim, but only for left side. Value, [characters]
Right Trim Right trim. Similar to trim, but only for right side. Value, [characters]
Truncate Truncate a text after a given number of character, if necessary. Optionally, give a special text to add to the end instead of the text that was remove (”…” for example) Value, length, [truncateString="…"]
Words Split text by delimiter (String or RegExp), /\s+/ by default. Value, [delimiter]
sprintf C like text formatting. sprintf("%.1f", 1.17) Value, Format, …
Pad text pads the text with characters until the total text length is equal to the passed length parameter. By default, pads on the left with the space character (" “). the padding text is truncated to a single character if necessary. Value, length, [padding], [type]
Left Pad text Same as pad but on the left only. Value, length, [padding]
Right Pad text Same as pad but on the right only. Value, length, [padding]
Left Right pad text Same as pad but both sides at once. Value, length, [padding]
To number Parses a text to return a number. Returns NaN if the text cannot be parsed to a number. Value, [decimals]
Search right Searches a text from left to right for a pattern and returns a subtext consisting of the characters in the string that are to the right of the pattern or all string if no match found. Value, pattern
Search Back Right Searches a text from right to left for a pattern and returns a subtext consisting of the characters in the string that are to the right of the pattern or all string if no match found. Value, pattern
Search left Searches a text from left to right for a pattern and returns a subtext consisting of the characters in the string that are to the left of the pattern or all string if no match found. Value, pattern
Search Back Left Searches a text from right to left for a pattern and returns a subtext consisting of the characters in the string that are to the left of the pattern or all string if no match found. Value, pattern
Strip HTML tags Removes all html tags from text. Value
Array To Sentence Join an array into a human readable sentence. ([“Apples”, “Oranges” and “Bananas”] => “Apples, Oranges and Bananas”) Array, [delimiter], [lastDelimiter]
Array To Serial Sentence Join an array into a human readable sentence, using the serial comma. ([“Apples”, “Oranges” and “Bananas”] => “Apples, Oranges, and Bananas”) Array, [delimiter], [lastDelimiter]
Repeat Repeats a text count times. Value, count, [separator]
Surround Surround a text with another text. Value, wrap
Quotes Quotes a text. defaults to using “. Value, quoteChar
Unquotes Unquotes a text. Value, quoteChar
Slugify Transform text into an ASCII slug which can be used in safely in URLs. Replaces whitespaces, accentuated, and special characters with a dash. Limited set of non-ASCII characters are transformed to similar versions in the ASCII character set such as ä -> a. (Caution: this function is charset dependent) Value
Natural order comparison Naturally order comparision helps to sort text like humans would do. Numbers are not compared by their ASCII values but by their actual value. Note: this means “a” > “A”. Transform to lower case first if this isn’t to be desired. Value, Value
To boolean Turn strings that can be commonly considered as booleas to real booleans. Such as “true”, “false”, “1” and “0”. This function is case insensitive. Value, boolean
Upper case Transforms a text to all upper case Value
Lower case Transforms a text to all lower case Value
Split text Splits a text to an array using the provided splitter character Value, splitter
Replace text Replace a value or pattern (regexp) in the text with another value. The value is replaced only once while a pattern is replaced through the entire text. Value, pattern, replacement
Slice text Slices text from a begining index to the end of the text or to an optional end index. Value, start, end
Proper Case Synonym for Titleize. Named as such to please Excel users. Value
Repts Synonym for Repeat. Named as such to please Excel users. Value, count, Separator
Substring Return a part of the text from a begining index to the end of the text or to an optional end index. If the start is more than the end, it swaps numbers. Value, start, end
Substring from Start Return a part of the text from 0 to the ending index provided. Value, end
Substring to the end Return a part of the text from the starting index to the end of the string. Value, start
Substring from end Returns a part of the text from an index that is counted from the end of the text, to the end. Value, startFromEnd
Regular Expression Generates a regular expression object based on the regexp string. Useful for search and replace on advanced use cases. regexp, flags
More than Checks if the first value is more than the second value. Value, Value
More than or equal to Checks if the first value is more or equal than the second value. Value, Value
Less than or equal to Checks if the first value is less or equal than the second value. Value, Value
Less than Checks if the first value is less than the second value. Value, Value
Between Checks if the second value is between the first and third values. Value, Value, Value
Between Checks if the second value is between the first and third values, including either value. Value, Value, Value
Has Value? If the value contains something, returns a boolean true, otherwise false. Value


Function Description Arguments
Is Date? Checks if the value is a date (ISO 8601 format) Value
Is Date & time? Checks if the value is a date with time (ISO 8601 format) Value
Now Returns the date and time at the instant of the function call on the server in ISO 8601 format, UTC (Z)
Duration From Dates Calculates the duration between two ISO 8601 (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ”) dates strings. Returns the ISO 8601 duration representation (“PT30M”) Start Date, End Date
Make Event Builds an ISO 8601 event from a start date and end date Start Date, End Date
Make Event (Start date) Builds an ISO 8601 event from a start date and a duration Start Date, Duration (ISO-8601, e.g. PT30M)
Make Event (End date) Builds an ISO 8601 event from a end date and a duration End Date, Duration (ISO-8601, e.g. PT30M)
Make date-time Builds an ISO 8601 date time string from a date and a time Date (YYYY-MM-DD), Time (HH:mm:ss)
Date only Builds an ISO 8601 date (“YYYY-MM-DD”) from an ISO 8601 date (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ”) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Make date (from custom format) Builds an ISO 8601 date time string from a string of text and a format (based on Date (YYYY-MM-DD), Format
Start date from a Calendar Event Extract the start date (ISO 8601 format) from an event input into a calendar (containing start date, end date and duration) Event - Date and Duration (ISO 8601)
End date from a Calendar Event Extract the end date (ISO 8601 format) from an event input into a calendar (containing start date, end date and duration) Event - Date and Duration (ISO 8601)
Duration from a Calendar Event Extract the duration date (ISO 8601 format) from an event input into a calendar (containing start date, end date and duration) Event - Date and Duration (ISO 8601)
Duration to Decimal Hours Transforms a standard duration (ISO 8601) into a decimal number representing the number of hours and any subsquent 100th of an hour. Duration (ISO-8601, e.g. PT30M)
Today Returns the date at the instant of the function call on the server in ISO 8601 format, UTC (Z)
Add to date Add a duration to a date (ISO 8601 format for both) Date and Time (ISO 8601), Duration (ISO-8601, e.g. PT30M)
Subtract from date Subtract a duration to a date (ISO 8601 format for both) Date and Time (ISO 8601), Duration (ISO-8601, e.g. PT30M)
Start of year Calculates the start of the year from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of year Calculates the end of the year from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of month Calculates the start of the month from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of month Calculates the end of the month from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of quarter Calculates the start of the quarter from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of quarter Calculates the start of the quarter from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of week Calculates the start of the week from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of week Calculates the end of the week from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of day Calculates the start of the day from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of day Calculates the end of the day from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of hour Calculates the start of the hour from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of hour Calculates the end of the hour from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of minute Calculates the start of the minute from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of minute Calculates the end of the minute from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
Start of second Calculates the start of the second from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)
End of second Calculates the end of the second from a given date (ISO 8601 format) Date and Time (ISO 8601)


Function Description Arguments
Address Search Provides with search information from the address provided in a text format. Value
Address Coordinates Search for the most likely coordinates for an address provided in text form Value
Address Annotations Search for the most likely coordinates for an address provided in text form. This returns an object containing DMS, MGRS, Maidenhead, Mercator, OSM UN_M49, phone calling code, currency, flag (emoji code), geohash, quibla, roadinfo, sunrise, sunset, timezone, what3words. Value
DMS from Address Get the most likely latitude and longitude from an address (lat/lng), in the DMS format. Value
MGRS from Address Get the most likely Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) from an address. Value
Maidenhead from Address Get the most likely Maidenhead Locator System (QTH, IARU) from an address. Value
Mercator from Address Get the most likely Mercator projection references from an address. Value
OSM links from Address Get links for the most likely location for an address, on the Open Street Map site. Two links are provided. One to consult the map and one to submit correction suggestions. Value
OSM note link from Address Get the most likely page for an address on the Open Street Map site, in order to enter a correction suggestion. Value
OSM link from Address Get the most likely location for an address on the Open Street Map site. Value
UN M49 from Address Returns a data object with United Nations M49 informations on the most likely location for the address provided Value
UN M49 Regions from Address Returns a data object with United Nations M49 region informations on the most likely location for the address provided. Value
UN M49 Statistical Grouping from Address Returns an array of statistical grouping from an address. (Codes from - LDC Least Developed Country, LEDC Less Economically Developed Country, LLDC Landlocked Developing Country, MEDC More Economically Developed Country, SIDS Small Island Developing State Value
Phone code from Address Returns the phone code for the most likely address. Value
Currency info from Address Returns informations on the currency for the most likely address. Value
Currency alternate symbols from Address Return alternate symbols for currencies at an Address Value
Currency decimal mark from address Returns the standard decimal mark used for currencies at an address Value
Currency html entity from address Returns the html entity for the currency at the provided address Value
Currency ISO code from address Returns the currency ISO code for the currency at the provided address Value
Currency numeric ISO code from address Returns the currency numeric ISO code at the provided address Value
Currency name from address Returns the currency name from the provided address Value
Smallest currency denomination from address Returns the smallest currency denomination at the provided address Value
Currency subunit from address Returns the currency sub-unit (cents) name at the provided address Value
Multipiler currency subunit to unit from address Returns the multiplier between the currency unit and currency sub-unit at the provided address Value
Currency unicode from Address Returns the unicode character code for the currency at the provided address Value
Currency symbol position from address Returns 0 if the currency symbol is before the value or 1 if the currency symbol is after the value for the currency at the provided address. Value
Currency thousands separator form address Returns the character used for separating the thousands for the currency at the provided address. Value
Unicode Emoticon Flag code from address Returns the unicode character code for the flag corresponding to the provided address. Value
Geohash from address Returns the geoash (geocode system) for the provided address. Value
Quibla from address Returns the quibla (Decimal degrees clockwise from true north to turn to point to the Kaaba) for the provided address. (Calculated using the great circle method). Value
Road info from address Returns an object containing road information from the provided address. Value
Road side information from address Returns the side of the road on which vehicles drive for the provided address. (left/right, in english) Value
Speed unit from address Returns the speed unit (km/h, mph), at the provided address. Value
Sun set/rise info from address Returns an object with sunset and sunrise information from the provided address. Value
Sunrise info from address Returns sunrise informations from the provided address. (apparent, astronomical, civil and nautical sunrise information are included in an object) Value
Apparent sunrise info from address Returns apparent sunrise informations from the provided address. (what is typically reported as sunrise/set) Value
Astronomical sunrise info from address Returns astronomical sunrise informations from the provided address. (sky is completely dark/light) Value
Civil sunrise info from address Returns civil sunrise informations from the provided address. (a person can read / no longer read) Value
Nautical sunrise info from address Returns nautical sunrise informations from the provided address. (navigation using a sea horizon possible/no longer possible) Value
Sunset info from address Returns sunset informations from the provided address. (apparent, astronomical, civil and nautical sunset information are included in an object) Value
Sunset info from address Returns sunset informations from the provided address. (apparent, astronomical, civil and nautical sunset information are included in an object) Value
Apparent sunset info from address Returns apparent sunset informations from the provided address. (what is typically reported as sunrise/set) Value
Astronomical sunset info from address Returns astronomical sunset informations from the provided address. (sky is completely dark/light) Value
Civil sunset info from address Returns civil sunset informations from the provided address. (a person can read / no longer read) Value
Nautical sunset info from address Returns nautical sunset informations from the provided address. (navigation using a sea horizon possible/no longer possible) Value
Timezone info from address Returns the following information on the time zone at the provided address. (name, now_in_dst, offset_sec, offset_string, short_name) Value
Timezone name from address Returns the timezone name information at the provided address. Value
DST from address Returns the current timezone DST information (Daylight Saving Time) at the provided address. Value
Time offset seconds from address Returns the timezone offset in seconds at the provided address. Value
Time offset from address Returns the timezone offset at the provided address in a text format ("+0200”) Value
Timezone short name from address Returns the timezone short name from the provided address Value
What3Words (english) from address Returns the 3 words address from the provided address. The 3 words are based on the english version of their system. Value
Location components from address Returns an object with data about the address, including components such as ISO_3166-1, continent, country, county, local_administrative_area, political_union, postcode, and state. Value
ISO_3166-1 alpha-2 from address Returns the ISO_3166-1 alpha-2 country code from the provided address. Value
ISO_3166-1 alpha-3 from address Returns the ISO_3166-1 alpha-3 country code from the provided address. Value
Continent from address Returns the most likely continent from the provided address Value
Country from address Returns the most likely country from the provided address Value
Country code from address Returns the most likely country code from the provided address Value
County from address Returns the most likely county name from the provided address Value
Admin Area from address Returns the most likely Local Administrative Area from the provided address Value
Political Union from address Returns the most likely Political Union area name from the provided address Value
Postcode from address Returns the most likely Postcode from the provided address Value
State name from address Return the most likely State name from the provided address Value
Formated Address from Address Returns a formated and validated address version from a search address. This is based on OSM data. Value
Lat/Lng from address Returns the most likely lat/lng object of decimal coordinates corresponding to the address provided. Value


Function Description Arguments
Is a Number? Checks if the value is a number. Value
Round Rounds up the number to the precision provided. The precision is the maximum number of significant digits after the whole separator Number, Precision
Ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest upper integer. Number
Floor Rounds a number down to the nearest lower integer Number
Modulo Calculates the modulo from a number Number, modulo
Average Averages all the elements and provides a unique value.
Sum Sums up all the elements and provides a unique value.
Subtract Subtracts all the elements in order, from the first element. Number, …
Multiply Multiplies up all the elements and provides a unique value.
Divide Divides all the elements in order, from the first element. Number, …
Power Brings the base value to the power of the exponent (b^e). Base, Exponent
Absolute Returns the absolute value of the number n
Min Returns the lowest element in value.
Max Returns the highest element in value.
More than Checks if the first value is more than the second value. Value, Value
More than or equal to Checks if the first value is more or equal than the second value. Value, Value
Less than or equal to Checks if the first value is less or equal than the second value. Value, Value
Less than Checks if the first value is less than the second value. Value, Value
Between Checks if the second value is between the first and third values. Value, Value, Value
Between Checks if the second value is between the first and third values, including either value. Value, Value, Value
Percentage Calculates the percentage of a value with the percentage expressed as an integer 0-100+. Value, Percentage
Add tax % to a value Add the corresponding % tax to the value. value=10 at percent=20 tax will give the value of 12. This works with any number value. It increases the value by the percentage. Value, Percentage
Progress in percent Calculates the percentage progress from a value and a target value. 1 out of a target of 2 is 50%. The value returned is a number (no % sign). The value can be more than 100. Value, Target Value
Cross-multiply Performs a cross multiplication to find the missing input such as a/b = c/d. If a is missing, returns a, if b is missing, returns b, etc. Only one variable can be missing otherwise the function returns null. a, b, c, d
Random Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
Random Integer Return a random integer between the max and min numbers provided. Default max = 100 and min = 0. max, min
Formats numbers Formats numbers to be presented as text. (123456789.123, 5, “.”, “,") => “123,456,789.12300” Number, decimals, decimalSeparator, orderSeparator
Equal Value Checks if the values are equal Value, Value
Has Value? If the value contains something, returns a boolean true, otherwise false. Value


Function Description Arguments
Currency info from Address Returns informations on the currency for the most likely address. Value
Currency alternate symbols from Address Return alternate symbols for currencies at an Address Value
Currency decimal mark from address Returns the standard decimal mark used for currencies at an address Value
Currency html entity from address Returns the html entity for the currency at the provided address Value
Currency ISO code from address Returns the currency ISO code for the currency at the provided address Value
Currency numeric ISO code from address Returns the currency numeric ISO code at the provided address Value
Currency name from address Returns the currency name from the provided address Value
Smallest currency denomination from address Returns the smallest currency denomination at the provided address Value
Currency subunit from address Returns the currency sub-unit (cents) name at the provided address Value
Multipiler currency subunit to unit from address Returns the multiplier between the currency unit and currency sub-unit at the provided address Value
Currency unicode from Address Returns the unicode character code for the currency at the provided address Value
Currency symbol position from address Returns 0 if the currency symbol is before the value or 1 if the currency symbol is after the value for the currency at the provided address. Value
Currency thousands separator form address Returns the character used for separating the thousands for the currency at the provided address. Value
Round Rounds up the number to the precision provided. The precision is the maximum number of significant digits after the whole separator Number, Precision
Ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest upper integer. Number
Floor Rounds a number down to the nearest lower integer Number
Average Averages all the elements and provides a unique value.
Sum Sums up all the elements and provides a unique value.
Subtract Subtracts all the elements in order, from the first element. Number, …
Multiply Multiplies up all the elements and provides a unique value.
Divide Divides all the elements in order, from the first element. Number, …
More than Checks if the first value is more than the second value. Value, Value
More than or equal to Checks if the first value is more or equal than the second value. Value, Value
Less than or equal to Checks if the first value is less or equal than the second value. Value, Value
Less than Checks if the first value is less than the second value. Value, Value
Between Checks if the second value is between the first and third values. Value, Value, Value
Percentage Calculates the percentage of a value with the percentage expressed as an integer 0-100+. Value, Percentage
Add tax % to a value Add the corresponding % tax to the value. value=10 at percent=20 tax will give the value of 12. This works with any number value. It increases the value by the percentage. Value, Percentage
Progress in percent Calculates the percentage progress from a value and a target value. 1 out of a target of 2 is 50%. The value returned is a number (no % sign). The value can be more than 100. Value, Target Value
Payment (PMT) Payment calculation function based on Excel’s PMT function. Used to calculate the payment for a loan that has constant payments and a constant interest rate. Parameters include: The interest rate for the loan. The total number of payments for the loan. The present value, or the total amount that a series of future payments is worth now; also known as the principal. The future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made. If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (zero), that is, the future value of a loan is 0. Type: The number 0 (zero) or 1 and indicates when payments are due (start of the period or end of the period). rate_per_period, number_of_payments, present_value, future_value, type


Function Description Arguments
To boolean Turn strings that can be commonly considered as booleas to real booleans. Such as “true”, “false”, “1” and “0”. This function is case insensitive. Value, boolean
Boolean Not Reverses the value of a boolean value. True becomes false and false becomes true. Value
Either Checks if either value within the array is truthy.
All true Checks if all the values within the array are truthy.


Function Description Arguments
Is an Array? Checks if the value is an array Array
Reverse Returns a reversed array Array
Sort Sort an array. “desc”, -1, “d” or “>” indicate descending order (Z-A, 99-0), otherwise the order is ascending (A-Z, 0-99) Array, order
Sort Object Sort an array of objects by a field. “desc”, -1, “d” or “>” indicate descending order (Z-A, 99-0), otherwise the order is ascending (A-Z, 0-99) Array, Field, order
Contains value Checks if the array contains the specified value. Array, Value
Last item Returns the last item of the array Array
First item Returns the first item of the array Array
Nth item return the nth item of the array. n being the number provided in the index. Array, index
Array Length Returns the length of the array provided. Array
Ensure array If the input is an array, returns the same value. If the input empty or null or undefined, it returns an empty array. Otherwise, it returns the value provided, wrapped in an array. Array
Count Counts the number of items in an array (length of array) or the number of characters in a text or the number of keys in an object or the number of symbols in a number. Object
Compact array Remove blank and falsy values from the array. Array
Flatten array Brings all the elements in nested array at the same level, makes one array of values. Array
Array size Returns the array size. Works only on arrays Array
Deduplicate Values Returns an array with all the duplicate values in the array removed. All values are unique in the array. Array
Either Checks if either value within the array is truthy.
All true Checks if all the values within the array are truthy.
Equal Object Checks if the objects or arrays are the same Object, Object
Natural Sort Natural Sort of an array. “desc”, -1, “d” or “>” indicate descending order (Z-A, 99-0), otherwise the order is ascending (A-Z, 0-99) Array, order
Natural Sort Object Natural Sort of an array of objects by a field. “desc”, -1, “d” or “>” indicate descending order (Z-A, 99-0), otherwise the order is ascending (A-Z, 0-99) Array, Field, order


Function Description Arguments
Count Counts the number of items in an array (length of array) or the number of characters in a text or the number of keys in an object or the number of symbols in a number. Object
Is object? Checks if the value is an object (javascript/JSON object) Object
Get Field Get the value of a field from an object. This fonction allows getting sub-fields from inner objects, separated by the ‘.’ notation. Object, Field
Set Field Set the value of a field in an object. This fonction allows setting sub-fields from inner objects, separated by the ‘.’ notation. Object, Field, Value
Has Field Checks if a field exists in an object. This fonction allows accessing sub-fields from inner objects, separated by the ‘.’ notation. Object, Field
Stringify JSON Créates a string of text representing the JSON data. Value
Equal Object Checks if the objects or arrays are the same Object, Object

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