Fields data types are a definition of the value that each of the data record will hold.
Data Objects contain data fields. Those define the type of data your records will hold. In some cases, fields will be created automatically because the parent object requires it. For example, a map object requires a position field to store the location of each map marker and proposes an optional text field for their names.
Data type migration is possible in most cases between compatible data types. The platform will let you know which types are compatible, partially compatible or not compatible by displaying each type in a different color (green, orange, red) when you are in the menu to change data types. When possible, data migration within an existing type is done in real time. This means you can change the data fields in your form without downtime. If users are currently editing a record, their form will be updated straight away.
Input fields lets you input free-form data.
Text data fields lets you input plain text or rich text (html code). Rich text is text with formatting such as color, text size, paragraph definition, etc.
Text Field
Text field example
This one-line text field is perfect to hold names, short pieces of information.
Text Paragraph
Text Paragraph field example
This multi-line text field is perfect to hold longer text such as descriptions, comments.
Rich Text
Rich Text field example
This multi-line rich text field is perfect to hold formated text such as product descriptions, part of a web page.
Web Content
Web Content field example
This multi-line rich text field is perfect to hold formated text such as part of a web page. It enables a few additional features, compared to rich text, that don’t tranfer well to paper but are better suited for screen presentation.
Free-text Tags
Free-text Tags field example
You can type a list of freeform elements in this field.
Numeric fields lets you input numbers in different ways. Those are very practical for quantifiable information that can then be used for calculations.
Number field example
This field allows holding numbers of all kinds.
Number Slider
Number Slider field example
This slider allows selecting a value within a range. By default from 0 to 10.
Money field example
This field allows inputing money amounts with 2 digits decimal precision and a currency label.
Order field example
This field allows ordering your records. The order is automatically incremented for each new record.
Order field example
Rate field example
This gives you a series of icons to rate an element. By default from 0 to 5.
Vote field example
This gives you a thumbs up or down of icons to vote. By default votes are equal to from 1 and -1.
Cumulative Vote
Cumulative Vote field example
This gives you a thumbs up or down of icons to vote. Every user can come and vote every time they load the screen. The votes are cumulative to every votes in a single field.
“Personal” informations are most-likely information related to a person. Their e-mail address, phone number. A person name would also be a personal information but these use a normal text data type. If your database holds such personal information, you may be required to define specific data-handling policies as per the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), in Europe, or similar regulations in your own jurisdiction and in the jurisdiction of your users. ( The plaftorm Terms & Conditions still apply to your usage of the platform regardless of jurisdiction.)
E-mail address
E-mail address field example
This a simple email address field so you know how to contact people.
Website address
Website address field example
This a simple web address field so you can collect URLs, url or urls.
Phone Number
Phone Number field example
This a simple phone number field so you can collect phone numbers. They have the specificity to often start with a 0. Some call it phone number, telephone number, mobile number or mobile phone number.
Password Field
Password field example
The password field lets you record passwords and will not display them unless the “reveal” button is clicked. Caution, like the rest of the data, to enable search, the values are not encrypted by default.
Time can be represented in many ways, depending on culture, locale, habits, languages,… For the platform, we have choosen the ISO 8601 system as it allows standardization but also arithmetic comparaison and alphabetical sorting. For Events (Date and time, with a length of time range), they are stored as objects with redundant information (start date, end date and duration) to allow for more database and search operations.
Date field example
This field allows selecting a date on a calendar-like small popup. Perfect to select employment dates, contract dates, date of birth, etc.
Date and Time
Date and Time field example
This field allows selecting a date and time on a calendar-like small popup. Perfect to select event dates and time.
Time field example
This field provides a way to input time (Without a date and without a time zone).
Date and Time Range
Date and Time field example
This field allows selecting a start date and time as well as an end date and time on a calendar-like small popup. Perfect to select event dates and time, with a length of time for the event.
Duration field example
This field allows a time duration, in days, hours, minutes or seconds, independently from any start or end absolute time
Time Zone
Time Zone field example
This field provides a list of all the political time zones existing on earth.
Numeric and Alhpanumeric identifiers are fields that store a unique identifier in the database. The platfrom will automatically increment them when a double identifier is found. They normally display a barcode but there is an option to hide it. The parcel tracking number field however does not enforce any unique value but it enables a link to a site that lets you get information on the parcel from most shipping providers.
Numeric Identifier
Numeric Identifier field example
This field generates a unique numeric identifier for the value. The identifier is automatically incremented for each new record.
Alphanumeric Identifier
Alphanumeric Identifier field example
This field generates a unique identifier for the value. The identifier is automatically incremented for each new record, starting from 1 and using digits by default.
Parcel Tracking Number
Parcel Tracking Number field example
This field type enables you to save parcel tracking number and open a tracking site with one click.
Binary information can contain two value: true or false / 1 or 0. Technically, there are actually 3 possible values as the absence of value (null, undefined) is stored different. The fields in this binary category are however visualy displaying the undefined value as a false value.
Checkbox field example
Selects values true or false
Check Icon
Check Icon field example
Selects values true or false with an icon
Toggle switch
Toggle switch field example
Selects values true or false with both values displayed on either side of a toggle switch
Geographical position is stored as an object with latitude and longitude, based on the WGS 84 Web Mercator projection, up to 6 digits precision or ~10cm. Internally, the information is stored as a geometry object based on the GeoJson structure. This allows for additional optional information to be found and stored by the system and displayed in the field, depending on the source of the data. Internally, the platform may use a geocoding service to find the address from given coordinates.
{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.299833,48.855101],"properties":{"address":"Field of Mars, Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France","what3words":{"words":"private.number.noses"},"MGRS":"31UDQ4849311701"}}
Position field example
This field stores the latitude and longitude of a position on the globe
Position on a map
Position on a map field example
This field stores the latitude and longitude of a position on the globe and displays it on a map by default
These type of fields hold files informations. Each record with a file data type still counts for one value in your quotas but the file itself is not kept in the database. Files are stored in a dedicated “object” storage service on separate servers, with its own backup system, and its quotas are counted separately. For files as opposed to data records, the size of the stored file is counted, not the number of values in them.
File field example
This type allows you to upload and store a file of any type.
Image File
Image file field example
This type allows you to upload and store an image file of any type.
Audio File
Audio file field example
This type allows you to upload and store an audio file of any type.
Video File
Video file field example
This type allows you to upload and store a video file of any type.
Well, only color for now. It did not fit in any other category.
Color field example
This field type allows selecting a color. This color can then be used to indicate the status of a field, for example, when using it as a display value.
Selection fields allow to input values from a limited list of pre-defined values. It removes some freedom from the user, but also, it removes the complexity that is a source of errors and mistakes.
These types of fields lets you select one or more values either directly, or values represented by a name or a name and a color.
Value Selection
Value Selection field example
This field provides a drop-down selection of one value within a list. You can specify which values can be used and the field lists them for the users to input.
Named value Selection
Named value Selection field example
This field provides a drop-down selection of one value within a list of values with translatable names. You can specify which values can be used and the field lists them for the users to input.
Index value Selection
Index value Selection field example
This field provides a drop-down selection of one numerical value within a list of value with translatable names. You can specify which values can be used and the field lists them for the users to input.
Button value Selection
Button value Selection field example
This field provides a series of buttons to select one value within a list of values. You can specify which values can be used and the field lists them for the users to input.
Dropdown value selection
Dropdown value selection field example
This field provides a dropdown made of buttons to select one value within a list of values. You can specify which values can be used and the field lists them for the users to input and you can give them a display color.
Categories Tags field example
You can select a list of elements in this field.
Multiple Named value Selection
Multiple Named value Selection field example
This field provides a drop-down selection of multiple value within a list of values with translatable names. You can specify which values can be used and the field lists them for the users to input.
These types of fields lets you select one or more users from the application you are currently using. This is perfect to assign tasks, responsability, etc. When users are added or removed from the application, they are also added or removed from the field. The value stored in the database does not change though.
User field example
This field provides a drop-down selection of one user within the list of users of the application. This includes all users with specific rights but not the ones accessing the app through open access, if it is enabled.
Users field example
You can select a list of users in this field.
Links lets you select one or more records of a specific type of data, from a searchable table of the records in your database.
Single Link
Single link field example
This field provide a selection box to select one value within a list of objects that you created. The user of this app can select any object and even create others. Perfect for creating employee records, a list of peoples, a list of assets in a factory, etc…
Multiple Links
Multiple links field example
This field provide a selection box to select one or more values within a list of objects that you created. The user of this app can select any object and even create others. Perfect for creating employee records, a list of peoples, a list of assets in a factory, etc…